Sunday 16 May 2010

Con Demd

                                    The Con Demd State of Britain

When historians come to write the history of the 21st Century the General Election of May 2010 will be infamous for the Liberal Democrates betrayal of Britain.

The Cameron/Clegg Coalition is nothing more than a Public School coup against working families to protect the privileged classes and the well to do. The overriding qualifications for Government are now clear for all to see. Public School education, an Oxbridge degree and the ability to sell out one’s principles for a chaffeur driven car and a place around the Cabinet table.

I actually thought for one moment during the Election campaign that the Liberal Democrates had principles and stood for something decent in British Politics. Against Trident, in favour of the Euro and an Amnesty for illegal immigrants. How wrong one can be. How easily one can be deceived. How venal politicians are. How easily they can betray their own supporters.

Little wonder Cameron now believes in a fixed 5 year Parliament. He has taken hostage of the Lib Dems and the price of their absolution is 5 years of servitude or face political oblivion in the meantime.

Never mind that 23% of the country voted for the Lib Dems policies . They are now disgarded enblock in worthless realms of paper waved for all to see just like Neville Chamberlain’s famous piece of toilet paper was after Munich. Then NC trusted in Hitler’s promise of “Peace in our Time“. Now a later day NC trusts in Cameron’s big open promise of “Stable Government”.

The first NC thought he could stave off the march of fascism now the latter day NC believes he can stave off the excesses of Tory cuts . Deluded Politicians it appears are as much alive today as they were in past centuries. Only today when politicians are judged more by their looks on TV than their actions the potential Churchills and the Attlees of this world are few and far between.

Long therefore may the words of Harold Wilson come to haunt this Con Demd Coalition as it strives towards May 2015.

                         “ A week is a long time in Politics.”

                                                                                           Donald Worsley 16/05/2010

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